- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Grumpy Corrupt Biden Goes After Trump in Speech, Accusing Him of Wanting to Destroy the Democracy that Biden Has Already Destroyed

The Democrats are laughably arguing that Trump will destroy democracy if he’s elected to be president again. First of all, we live in a CONSTITUTIONAL FEDERAL REPUBLIC, not a democracy. Second of all, our 81-year-old dictator president has already destroyed much of our democracy and the country as we once knew it.

“As we once knew it” means a country that wasn’t invaded by millions of millions of illegal aliens. A country that was run by laws, due process, fairness and the Constitution. A country that punished criminals and kept victims and other Americans safe from harm. A country that used its military might to keep the peace.

A country that was ethical and protected the rights of the citizens. A country that didn’t corruptly spend billions to keep the Democrat party in power Ad infinitum (to infinity and beyond). A country where the Democratic Party didn’t use their power to personally enrich themselves.

But that’s what we have now. A country ran by the most corrupt, self-serving, despicable, condescending, judgmental, intolerant and evil people who have ever run the United States. A country whose leaders actually promote the killing of babies.

And they’re not willing to give up their power.

So to kick off his presidential campaign, Biden decided to celebrate January 6th on January 5th this year (no doubt he had to rush off to a vacation in Delaware or somewhere on Saturday), and compared former President Donald Trump to Hitler, saying that he’s using the same “exact” language as in Nazi Germany.

President Biden, who won’t talk about the state of the union in American right now because it sucks, instead used most of his speech to talk about January 6th and said, “Donald Trump’s campaign is about him, not America, not you.”

The Democrat Party is obsessed with Trump and January 6th.

It’s really all that Biden has to run on. So the Trump-obsessed president read off the teleprompter and laughably said, “Donald Trump’s campaign is obsessed with the past, not the future. He’s willing to sacrifice our democracy, put himself in power.”

Sacrifice our democracy? The Democrats will sacrifice EVERYTHING, including the country, to get rid of Trump and stay in power. Trump is a threat because MAGA is a threat.

While the Democrat Party currently works to kick their opponent off the presidential primary (and general) ballots, Biden talked about how his campaign is about “preserving and strengthening our American democracy.”

Yeah, right.

Their campaign has always been about clearing the playing field by any means necessary – censorship and silencing dissent – lying and suing their competition…and using every resource of the government to do so – the IRS, the CIA, the Pentagon…everyone.

During his speech, Biden called Trump a “loser.” In fact, he brought up Trump’s name 44 times in his speech. That is because Biden has nothing to run on but crime, illegal immigration, fentanyl deaths, inflation and the loss of our democracy under his watch.