- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

The Psycho Democrats in California Want to Stop Agriculture Production

Democrats across the country have been promoting their green energy agenda for a while now. At the heart of it, they don’t actually care about global warming or climate change. It’s all about money and power. Al Gore showed us that back when he wanted to make money off carbon offsets – while his own house in the Nashville area had its lights on all year despite the fact that he only traveled there a few times a year (I lived there so I have first-hand knowledge of this). The greedy hypocrite continues to make millions, if not billions, off his climate change B.S. as he flies around the world on airplanes spreading greenhouse gases all over the planet.

To pursue their climate change agenda, the Democrats have regulated and mandated and wrote legislation and offered bribes (grants) and made threats to the car companies and the gas stove makers and companies across the country.

Green energy is something, if ever achieved, that has to evolve naturally in a non-manipulated financial or political way. But the Democrats don’t agree with that assessment. They want to force it on everyone – no matter what it does to the country. If we don’t have any actual energy to drive around with or heat our homes with or do anything else, that’s not something the Dems are concerned with.

California is a leader in the Democrats’ green energy agenda and the psychos have recently come up with yet another asinine idea. This time, they have proposed an anti-agriculture measure [1] that would not just affect California – but the whole country. This measure, in Sonoma county, would eliminate animal agriculture. Yes, the Democrats have never believed in the Constitution or letting people do what they want. They definitely don’t think we should have any “rights” of any kind – except abortion and equity, of course.

Steven Fenaroli, Director of Political Affairs with the California Farm Bureau, says about the measure, “It would outlaw all animal agriculture in the county. That would affect dairies, that would affect poultry operations.” Dairy and poultry are two of the biggest animal ag industries in the county.

But would Democrats still be allowed to fly around the planet while the rest of us starve to death? Of course!

The measure is called “Prohibition on Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations” and it is not just backed by psycho climate change folks, it is also backed by animal rights extremists who have a petition that has collected more than 18K signatures to get the measure on the ballot. The leftists have until March to get the remaining signatures that they need.

Normally, I would say, hey, if Californians want to starve people and destroy their state, let them at it. However, Fenaroli says that’s something that the agriculture industry around the nation should keep an eye on, saying, “A lot of the country, I think, begrudgingly looks to California and they kind of say, ‘Oh gosh, California, what are they doing now?’ But I think this thing has national implications. If a group can qualify a measure and they can outlaw animal agriculture in a county, that sets up a recipe, a playbook, for them to repeat that not only throughout the state but throughout the country.”

A playbook to destroy the country. Democrats are good at coming up with those.