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Chicago Mayor’s Answer to the Border Crisis Affecting His City: Go After the Bus Companies

So it looks like the new Democratic Chicago Mayor, Brandon Johnson, has an answer to the results of his city being used as a sanctuary city even though they volunteered to be a sanctuary city. What does it mean to be a sanctuary city [1]? In Chicago’s Welcoming City Ordinance it means that the city will not ask about immigration status, disclose that information to authorities, or deny city services based on immigration status. Sounds like the perfect place for an in illegal alien to move to, right?!

However, Democrats in Chicago (and elsewhere) are none too happy with all of the mass immigration coming into their cities under Biden’s open borders. But it’s not because they want the border closed or because they want to protect their city residents – or because they want to stop the illegal aliens from showing up. And it’s not because the Dems have arrived at a place where they have any sort of moral clarity.

It’s because the Democrat politicians are not getting paid enough by the Biden administration to handle the problem. They want money. Lots of it. Millions. Billions…They want at least enough to break even – but the truth is that they want even more money than that. They want a payoff – a “thank you” for helping out the federal government. Wink-wink.

But since that is not happening – or at least not quickly enough – Mayor Johnson came up with a new plan. His buddies in the City Council passed some new rules on bus companies who drop off illegal aliens in his city.

Does that mean that the mayor will be going after the Biden administration, their NGO pals and the non-profits who transport the illegal aliens all over the country??? No, that’s not likely. It’ll be selective enforcement. Mayor Johnson wants to go after the buses that are coming from Texas and Republican Governor Greg Abbott even though Breitbart News [2] reports that Abbott is not the only one sending buses up north to Chicago. The Democrat Mayor of El Paso has also been sending illegal aliens to Chicago and so has the Biden administration. So far, more than 20,000 illegal aliens are reported to have gone to Chicago.

In an attempt to try to control the chaos in Chicago (and Republicans), bus rules were quietly passed [3] in November against Republican-originated “rogue” buses.

Before the rules were made, the city had filed 55 lawsuits against bus companies and fined many of them for being rogue and uncoordinated and “endangering the lives of newly arriving migrants” i.e. Gov. Abbott didn’t coordinate the transportation of the future Democrat voters with the city.

The new bus rules include mapping out where the buses can drop off the illegal aliens and what time (no weekends please) with no more than two buses allowed to drop off passengers per hour. The bus companies also need to apply for approval from the city to drop off passengers but the Chicago Dept. of Transportation says it’s yet to receive any applications.

Hm…seems to me there is something in the constitution about being able to travel from state to state because of the 14th Amendment. From Richard Sobel, The Right To Travel And Privacy: Intersecting Fundamental Freedoms: “As a fundamental right inherent in American citizenship and the nature of the federal union, the right to travel in the United States is basic to American liberty. The right

precedes the creation of the United States and appears in the Articles of Confederation. The U.S. Constitution and Supreme Court recognize and protect the right to interstate travel. The travel right entails privacy and free domestic movement without governmental abridgement.”

But I digress…

The mayor’s office has their rules and they aren’t going to let anything like a “rogue” Constitution stop they. The mayor also wants to impound buses that don’t follow the rules and fine the owners up to $3K including fining them by mail if the city is not able to apprehend the rogue buses in person.

Apparently, 463 buses have arrived in the Windy City since May with more every day, and with most of the illegal aliens coming from Venezuela [4] since Biden exempted [5] them from deportation for much of 2023.

The Democrat Mayor Johnson has only been in office since May and continues to put illegal aliens at the top of his priority list as have may other Democratic mayors in big cities. His approval rating is a currently 28%. I can’t image why…