- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

America Under Attack: Biden Does Nothing

What constitutes an act of war these days against America when the Democrats are in charge of the country? We’ve been attacked on numerous fronts over the past year and nothing is done.

We can start by discussing the “invasion” of foreigners at the border. That is nothing for the Democrats to worry about because they welcome, support and facilitate it. So what if the end result is crime, sex trafficking, drug addiction, diseases, and billions of taxpayer money funding the biggest Democratic voting drive in history. The more the merrier.

What about the American hostages being held in Russia, the Gaza and other countries?

What about the dozens of Americans killed in Israel during the Hamas attack in October? Apparently, that is okay too. Hamas hasn’t paid the price for that by our government. In fact, as expected, the Biden administration is flipping the script and instead of steadfastly supporting Israel, they are now chiming in with the same sentiments of their leftist antisemitic voters and expressing their concerns for the Palestinians.

Not a big surprise at all.

And what about all of the attacks [1] on our military bases in Iraq and Syria? Dozens and dozens since mid-October. 73, in fact! That’s okay. Nothing to see. Move on…

What about the recent attack on one of our warships? Surely THAT would demand a response? Nope. Just words.

According to Just the News [2], one of our warships, the USS Carney, in addition to multiple commercial vessels, were attacked in the Red Sea on Sunday – in what’s being speculated as being related to the Israel-Hamas conflict. The British reported on a suspected drone attack and explosions happening. It’s also reported that the USS Carney has shot down drones and multiple missiles since October that came from Yemen.

What did our great Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, say about it? Not much since he’s busy fighting climate change and racism. Not only is he telling Israel to take stronger efforts to protect Palestinians [3], he’s giving lip service to the attacks on our troops. He talks about American leadership but doesn’t show any when he recently said, “We will not tolerate attacks on American personnel.”

Obviously we will.

He also said, “And so these attacks must stop.”

Yes, Lloyd has the same foreign policy as Biden: Stop or I’ll say stop again.