- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

2024’s Political Showdown: Trump vs. Biden – Impeachment Hearings, Trials, and a National Drama Set to Grip the Nation

Why focus on America and Americans during an election when you can have high drama instead? With the two elderly and unsavory heir apparent candidates on a trajectory to become the 2024 presidential nominees, both sides are planning for a political showdown that has nothing to do with voters choosing the best candidate for the job. It has EVERYTHING to do with hiding their inefficiencies whether it’s their age, their corruption, their destructive policies or defects of character.

So they will target each other for total destruction – the country be damned. And we are. I’m not saying we really have any other viable, decent or competent presidential candidates to choose from. But the choice we are probably going to be left with is not appealing to many people.

Instead of dealing with the consequences of bad policies and instead of debating solutions to the problems of inflation, open borders, Russia, Hamas, attacks on our country, Social Security, censorship, debt, wages, transparency, government surveillance, crime, gun control, education, fentanyl, terrorism, election integrity, short staffing all around the country, or anything else important to the American public, we will be given videos and sound bites of Trump and Biden investigations.

Will Trump and Biden even have a debate? I doubt it.

The left and the right are both anticipating 2024 and what is to come because they both think that their character assassinations via the court system and congressional investigations will be the right strategy to win the big chair in the Oval Office.

The impeachment hearings [1] for Biden and targeting of his son, Hunter is on the menu for the right. Trump trials concerning January 6th and other grievances are on tap for the left.

That leaves Americans in the middle of a reality show they didn’t want to be a part of. The question is, will they? Or will they turn to a third-party candidate that is actually talking about what he or she will do to help Americans get out of the cesspool that the Democrat party has created?

Tune in to find out. Or not.