- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Obama Still Pushing Capitalism as Evil

President (former and current) Obama has been making the rounds lately with comments on social media about the poor Palestinians and also letting everyone know what he thinks about capitalism – which he still thinks is a sucky system and calls it “compatible with slavery [1].”

Obama said as much last week while he was in Chicago for the Obama Foundation’s Democracy Forum. His foundation posted [2] some clips of his speech on X where he said, “Just because an economic system generates wealth and innovation doesn’t mean it guarantees a good society. Because from the outset, it turns out market based systems have been compatible with slavery, caste systems, colonialization, war, exploitation, corruption, fraud, autocracy…the poisoning of our natural environment.”

Wow, that’s a long laundry list. It actually sounds like he was talking about the Democrat party.

Mr. “You didn’t build that [3]” takes credit for making the world a better place though saying, “Fortunately, thanks to the cumulative efforts, bit by bit, of reformers and organizers and visionaries not so different from many of you, some, mostly democratic governments, began to recognize the need to moderate capitalism’s excesses…”

Obama wants “young leaders to help us think and act anew” about “creating an economic system that supports and sustains our democratic values” i.e. join the Democrat party and keep pushing ahead on their B.S. plans to destroy capitalism and the United States citizens’ ability to support themselves and be free and prosperous.

Obama, according to Forbes, was the most antibusiness president in generations “perhaps in American history.” They said in 2010, “Thanks to him (Obama) the era of big government is back. Obama runs up taxpayer debt not in the billions but in the trillions. He has expanded the federal government’s control over home mortgages, investment banking, health care, autos and energy.”

Obama has let his true colors show through many times over the years including his run-in with Joe the Plumber where the presidential candidate told Joe his real plans – and what the real plans of the Democrat party has always been (and always will be) – to “spread the wealth around.”

What that really means is to take the wealth from those who earn and deserve it and give it to the losers who don’t (i.e. their voters and donors).