- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Another Day, Another Few Million Dollars Uncovered Going to Biden Crime Family Syndicate

With the recent headlines focused on the attack on Israel, the Speaker of the House race and the hunt for the mass murderer in Maine, the Hunter Biden/Joe Biden corruption news has been buried.

But there IS still news to be had if you look hard. Breitbart News [1] reports that a CCP- linked entity sent a Biden business a $3 million “thank you” gift. This information came from an IRS whistleblower interview and it was released by the House Ways and Means Committee.

Biden associate Rob Walker got millions in payments between 2015 and 2017 and then some of it was divvied up between Hunter, James, Hallie and another “unidentified” Biden (we can probably figure out who THAT is though). The Bidens appear to have gotten about $1.3 million collectively when all was said and done.

Breitbart News Senior Contributor Peter Schweizer said [2] in December of 2022 that the Bidens have amassed tens of millions of dollars from foreign business deals for which “Hunter offered no real work.”

Schweizer also said, “What we know is that the Biden family has benefited from commercial deals overseas to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. That’s not in dispute. That’s based on the so-called suspicious activity reports that the Treasury Department has released because a U.S. Senate committee asked for it.”

Also recently, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, said he’s looking into [3] some shenanigans between President Biden and his brother, James. Comer has discovered a $200K check from James to Joe and the White House is claiming that Joe had loaned his brother the money and it was repayment to his brother. No loan payment going to James from Joe currently exists in any records.

Must be nice to be a Democrat. And especially a Biden. As the country continues to circle the drain, the money just keeps rolling in for Joe and his family.