- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

WWTD – What Would Trump Do (and Not Do)

We all know that life would be much safer, much cheaper, much more comfortable, much more enjoyable and just all-around much better with a President Trump instead of a President Biden – which is why the Democrats are doing EVERYTHING (and I truly mean EVERYTHING) they can to keep Orange Man Bad out of the White House.

This is because the very existence of the Democrats hinges on attaining great wealth and power and when people can take care of themselves, Democrats cannot hold or gain more power.

Since Trump represents the American people and actually does what he can to help everyone (EVERYONE) attain success and self-reliance, he is a BIGLY threat to the Democrats.

When you have happy people who can provide for themselves, you don’t need Democrats. Democrats need victims. And if there aren’t ACTUAL victims, they create them – like with the trans movement. And if you don’t think you’re a victim, they’ll come up with a reason to make you think that you are.

So… it’s no surprise that everything Biden touches turns to crap. Everything decision that he makes is wrong and goes against the welfare of the American citizen. That’s because every decision that Democrats make are made based on what is best for the Democrat party – not what is best for the country and her citizens.

So if you want to know how to make a good policy decision, just think about “what would Trump do?”

One glaringly obvious thing that Trump never would have allowed is the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. And it’s not like the world didn’t see it coming, with plenty of time to tell the Russians to back off. But no one did much of anything. And with Democrats in charge of the country, there is no leadership coming from the United States or any respect from our allies or or enemies. There is only money moving around and corruption in the never-ending war that we all know is somehow enriching the Democrat party and the Biden Family Crime Syndicate.

Trump also wouldn’t have worked with Iran, negotiated to get hostages out or given them any money.

Trump wouldn’t have undone the border policies that were working, stopped our energy independence or caused the massive inflation that is crushing us right now.

Trump wouldn’t have allowed our cities to descend into crime-ridden chaos.

And I think that we all know that it’s very unlikely that Hamas would have attacked Israel if Trump was president. But Iran and Hamas saw a weakened America under Biden, rejected the peace talks with Saudi Arabia and saw their chance to strike.

What would Trump do? That’s an easy answer in any situation. He would be doing what is best for America and Americans. He would put AMERICA FIRST which is the opposite of what Biden and the Democrats are doing.