- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Every Man (and Woman) for Themselves For Those Involved in Trump Lawsuits

The writing in on the wall with the Trump-hating Democrats going after Trump and his supporters as they weaponize the legal system. And it’s not the kind of writing that Trumpsters want to see with an out of control Democrat-led injustice system selectively charging prosecuting who they want, violating the Constitution and due process laws and targeting Trump supporters with ridiculous sentences for even participating in low-level misdemeanors.

So in order to get out of spending decades in prison, the people in the orbit around Trump who have been charged with crimes by the Democrat injustice system are making deals. This makes Democrats completely giddy because they expect these folks to testify against Orange Man Bad and send him to prison for the rest of his life.

Attorneys Sidney Powell, Jenna Ellis and Kenneth Chesebro have all made plea arrangements involving the Georgia case against Trump where they were charged, along with the former president and more than a dozen others, for trying to overturn the 2020 election. The Democratic legal system has gone after them for violating the state’s anti-racketeering law.

Sidney Powell was the first of the Georgia group to plead guilty [1], followed by Chesbro and then Ellis. Powell pleaded guilty to six misdemeanors and promised to cooperate with Georgia prosecutors in the trials of the others, including Trump. She’s now on six years probation and will have no criminal record if she complies with her agreement.

According to the Daily Mail [2], Ellis pleaded guilty to one count of aiding and abetting false statements and writings. Instead of going to jail, Ellis was sentenced to pay a $5K fine, is on probation for five years and has to participate in 100 hours of community service as well as write an apology letter to the people of Georgia.

Ellis cried in court and blamed what she did on trusting “more experienced” lawyers who she had been working with. She said, “I’m an attorney who is also a Christian. I take my responsibilities as a lawyer very seriously. I relied on others, including lawyers with many more years of experience, to provide me with true and reliable information.” She added, “In the frenetic pace of attempting to raise challenges to the election in several states, including Georgia, I failed to do my due diligence…I believe in and I value election integrity. And if I knew then what I know now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in these post-election challenges.”

Pretty ironic that the ones who were responsible for giving Trump advice on the election are saying that it’s all Trump’s fault. They are the ones who went to law school, not Trump. But the Democrats will use whatever they say to go after Orange Man Bad so that he ends up in handcuffs.

Next on the docket to help put Trump in the slammer appears to be his former Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, who was also reportedly granted immunity by Jack Smith in the federal Jan. 6th case in his grand jury testimony against Trump. According to ABC News [3], sources told the media outlet that Meadows informed Smith’s team that he “repeatedly told Trump in the weeks after the 2020 presidential election that the allegations of significant voting fraud coming to them were baseless.”

Trump said about Meadows’ reported arrangement, “The offer must be tempting after being hounded like a dog for three years, told you’ll be going to jail for the rest of your life, your money and your family will be forever gone…”

But that’s what the Democrats do. If you are in the Trump orbit, you are a target of destruction unless you turn on him – and many are deciding to do just that. Whether or not their information is truthful or not is anyone’s guess.