- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Democrats Launch Relentless Attacks on Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana for His Christian Values and Principles

The attacks have been brutal and vicious, with no end in sight. It was all very predictable, but the level of aggression was more over the top than even I anticipated.

No, I am not talking about Israel retaliating against Hamas. I will get to that, but I am talking about the naked onslaught from Democrats attempting to discredit the new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson of Louisiana.

He is the new favorite target of the Trump-hating left. For the moment—they might even hate Johnson more!


Well, that is pretty simple. When asked to describe his worldview, his response was, “Read the Bible.” That caught the Democrats’ hair on fire.

I mean, here is a proud American, a conservative, and an unapologetic Christian who is not afraid to say so.

And then, he laid out his vision of the world from that perspective when he outlined his seven core and guiding principles:

Individual Freedom, Limited Government, the Rule of Law, Peace through Strength, Fiscal Responsibility, Free Markets, and, maybe most importantly, Human Dignity.

Just let those settle in for a minute and ask yourself—how could any of those things be considered offensive to anyone?

To me, they sound like the guiding principles that have served this nation very well for 247 years and will continue to for 247 more—but the left hates those kinds of things and they hate that Mike Johnson has foundational moral ideals behind what he does every day.

How dare a guy show up with integrity and talk about how it guides him? Speaker Johnson was not out proselytizing; he was asked a question, and he delivered an honest answer without blinking—that is his crime. He is an unashamed Christian—and that is something rare these days to be sure.

But that is certainly not Mike Johnson’s only crime in the eyes of the progressive mob. No, his crimes are many, and they will stop at nothing to drag him down. I say good luck with that—because so far, he looks like a formidable opponent who won’t back down.

For example—when asked about what comes next in the impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden, Johnson has been crystal clear that he and the rest of Congress must continue the investigation into the Biden family and determine what has been going on and why the family has brought in something roughly $24 million over the past few years without any actual work in return.

Bribery, as the payments to Joe Biden have been described by some, is very problematic for those trying to defend the senile Commander in Chief, who for years denied any knowledge of the business dealings of his son Hunter or his brother Jim. Nobody, not even Democrats believe that. It’s about as credible as Gold Bar Bob Menendez claiming he hid $500,000 in cash in his clothes out of fear that his money would be stolen.

So, instead of arguing about what should be done and how it should be handled, the new Speaker is preparing to demand answers from all the key players—and that has Democrats terrified. The possibility of Johnson subpoenaing key players in this scheme is terrifying for Joe’s camp.

Furthermore, the Speaker will not interfere with the work that has been completed by committees looking into the Biden family business. In fact, he wants the work to continue.

And when it comes to the wars in Ukraine and Israel—plus money for Taiwan and the southern border—the Speaker plans to break those all into individual spending packages and will not send it as one giant $100 billion mess.

And for those of you on the Trump Train headed to the Presidential Election of 2024—you may want to know that the 45th President is very impressed with the Louisiana Congressman, too, and predicted he will “be a great Speaker.”