- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Biden Foreign Policy Strategy: Stop or I’ll Say Stop Again

Drones attacked a U.S. military base [1] in Syria last Thursday and President Biden did nothing.

Because of that, two more drones targeted the base in Syria on Monday and President Biden did nothing.

Apparently, Iran can do whatever it wants.

The Pentagon has called the many drone attacks [2] on U.S. forces in the Middle East in the last week an “uptick.”

I call it a declaration of war.

What does Biden do about any of it? Nothing.

He moves people and ships around but nothing is done. We have no leader, no strength in the White House.

The media reports that our carriers in the Persian Gulf are a deterrent to Iran and Hamas. What a freaking joke. They know Biden won’t do anything. Except, of course, try to bribe our enemies with a gazillion of our taxpayer dollars.

Stop or I’ll say stop again, says Biden. Or else.

And or else never comes.