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Democrat Professor: Have Machete, Will Travel

What are the odds that a Trump supporter who threatened a CNN reporter with a machete would be able to get another job after being fired from the previous one? I would guess, the odds wouldn’t be in their favor.

In fact, the leftist community would make sure that the person would not only go to jail for about 20 years, their entire family would be canceled, including their pets and anyone who has ever visited their home.

But if you are a leftist, perhaps one named Shellyne Rodriguez, who is upset about pro- life “propaganda” being distributed and you take a machete to a table being manned by pro-life students – and later run after a reporter and a photographer with a machete for daring to do a story about you, chances are VERY good that you are still free – and still employable. And if you are from a marginalized community, even better!

What would that job description look like?

HELP WANTED: Have you been fired recently after conducting violence against a Trump supporter, MAGA Republican, honest reporters or pro-life Christians? Don’t worry. Our college is looking for sustainable and diverse professors who are PASSIONATE about their ideas and politics.

Looks like the Cooper Union in New York, a private school in Manhattan, was looking for a candidate who would meet that job description as they reportedly have Rodriguez listed in their course catalog as an adjunct professor teaching an art class, only four months after her violent behavior. And even though the media has found out about this, her bio [1] still appears on the school’s website so they obviously have no problem with her being there.

So life isn’t so bad after only being charged with harassment and menacing even though she held a machete to a reporter’s throat and threatened to chop him up.

But you know how things go…if you are a leftist and/or a minority and go after people with machetes, you are not really a danger to society and you don’t need to be lodged in jail for any substantial period of time.

Rodriguez blames being fired on “racists, white nationalists and misogynists” and not threatening people with a machete. And now Rodriguez is telling everyone that SHE is the real victim and the whole thing has taken a toll on her mental health.

What mental health? I think she should be happy and grateful after being released for what is actually ATTEMPTED MURDER, not harassment and menacing.

But that’s the new Injustice system for you. There is no justice for the victims, only the criminals.