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Open Mouth, Insert Foot. DeSantis is Done

So it doesn’t look like you have to wait until the Weasel News Republican presidential debate [1] on Wednesday – or the polling afterwards – to know that Ron’s run for the presidency is over.

He had his Hillary Clinton “Basket of Deplorables” moment during a recent interview with “The Florida Standard [2]” where he took a swipe at Trump – and his supporters.

DeSantis said a movement can’t be about the personality of one individual. He told Fox Standard Editor in Chief, Will Witt, “The movement has got to be about what are you trying to achieve on behalf of the American people and that’s got to be based in principle, because if you’re not rooted in principle, if all we are is listless vessels that’s just supposed to follow … whatever happens to come down the pike on Truth Social every morning, that’s not going to be a durable movement.”

DeSantis didn’t stop there though. He also said, “You could be the most conservative person since sliced bread. Unless you’re kissing his (Trump) rear end, they will somehow call you a RINO…So it’s been totally detached from principle in what you actually believe and results. And it’s more about, you know, just what faction you happen to do.”

The Trump PAC MAGA Inc. seized on what DeSantis said and demanded an apology be made to Trump supporters. A statement [3] from Karoline Leavitt, spokeswoman for MAGA Inc. said, “To Hillary Clinton, Trump supporters are ‘deplorables.’ To Ron DeSantis, they are ‘listless vessels.’ The truth is, Trump supporters are patriots. Ron DeSantis is showing his true colors. The pressure of polling in third place is getting to DeSantis and now he is lashing out at the very same voters who got him elected governor. DeSantis must immediately apologize for his disgraceful insult.”

Whether or not I vote for Trump in the primary is not decided – and I’m actually learning towards Vivek Ramaswamy at the moment…And by the way, it’s VI-VAKE like cake. He’s just too nice to correct all of the media people who are mispronouncing his name.

But no matter who I vote for in the primary… or who I support against Biden or any other Democrat idiot… I certainly don’t need Ron DeSantis out there calling me a listless vessel when I can name about 50 different things that Trump DID to make the country better (MAGA style). PRINCIPLES that he stood up for when others didn’t. Things he got accomplished that RINOS of the past said they couldn’t.

I don’t like Trump, the person. I don’t like his personality. I don’t know many who do. He’s a New Yorker at heart. He would probably still live there if it was safe from the crazies.

That said, I don’t like most politicians. Their personalities are meaningless to me. I care about results. And Trump has really been the only Republican president since Ronald Reagan who actually gave us results – and I actually think Trump is the best conservative president that we’ve ever had.

DeSantis will find out soon enough that calling Trump supporters mind-numbed robots (Rush Limbaugh words) is a losing strategy.

Patriotic Americans aren’t following Trump priorities. Trump is following the priorities of patriotic Americans.