- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Democrats in Government Are Ignoring What the People Want

Just because a politician has a “D” behind their name doesn’t mean they are insulated from being voted out of office. There is only so much that people will take no matter which political party is destroying their lives.

When state and federal governments get as involved in every aspect of the lives of Americans as they have over the past decade, then it’s time for that government to be abolished. Just like the Declaration of Independence says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

America is way past that point. The assault on our freedoms;, the open borders that the Dems encourage, support and organize to allow foreign invaders into our country; the dissolution of fair and equal justice; the destruction of our jobs and economy; the destruction of our energy infrastructure and their war on gas and fossil fuel…and much more…

The Democratic run states and federal government are way beyond destructive and they don’t have our consent to do what they are doing – even from their Democrat friends.

Everywhere you turn, you see examples of this. In San Francisco, they have had enough of the homeless problem and are telling their city NO [1] to putting 100 homeless in a hotel in their neighborhood. They yelled and waived their flags at a recent local city meeting but their complaints will most likely fall on deaf ears. The Democrats will do what the Democrats will do – especially if it means helping their illegal alien friends.

In Michigan, the Democrat government and their economic development partners are pushing semiconductor and EV battery plants [2] on communities all around the state, no matter what the local communities have to say about it. Non-disclosure agreements have been signed, purchase agreements have been made and the Democrats are literally bulldozing towns. It doesn’t matter that Michiganders don’t want their farmland and ecosystems destroyed. It doesn’t matter that two of the developments have Chinese ties. The Democrats will do what the Democrats will do.

In cities like Chicago, Portland, Seattle, and New Orleans, the crime is out of control [3] due to the Democrats – defunding of police, pro-criminal policies, George Soros-funded prosecutors and the constant attacks on law enforcement. In Los Angeles, smash-and-grab robberies [4] seem to be a daily occurrence.

In Chicago, the Democrats also have a problem with their Black voters who they take for granted every election cycle. They’re sick of the illegal aliens. They want the money used for the illegal aliens to be used for reparations [5] instead – and they don’t want the illegal aliens in their neighborhoods [6].

On the polling front, Americans are telling the Democrats how they feel but the Democrats don’t care.

In New Jersey, parents don’t agree at all with the Democrats’ gender propaganda and the “grooming” of children that the Dems are pushing. Right now in New Jersey, if your child wants to change genders, teachers don’t have to tell you. That goes against what parents want. In a recent Monmouth University poll done August 10th through the 14th, 81% of New Jersey parents say that schools should be required to notify parents about students gender identity. The state also requires gender identity to be taught in grades as young as elementary school and only 22% of parents in New Jersey support that. The state also insanely lets a biological boy take a girl’s sex education class.

Not surprisingly, 70% of voters think America is on the “wrong track [7].” And even though Biden and the Dems continue to spin the lie that the economy is great, Americans disagree. 51% of Americans think that the nation’s economy is on a downturn and getting worse according to a recent CNN poll. And Americans can see with their own eyes the rising food and gas prices every day.

So what are the Dems doing about it? Raising interest rates, supporting their Democrat friends to strike, continuing their war on oil and energy, sending out billions of dollars to Ukraine instead of using the money in America, sending out billions to Democratic get-out-the-vote partners…

If something can be made bad – or worse – the Democrats will support it. Democrats will do what the Democrats will do.