- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Trump is the Only Living President NOT Descended from Slaves

Before Trump ran for president, he was loved by the Black community – an icon who was sang about in rap songs. But then the Democrats did their best to destroy him and market him as a racist homophobic xenophobic sexist.

Race-baiting has always been part of the Democratic strategy to win elections and using that strategy to go against Trump was not new – there was just a greater effort put into it than usual by the leftists and their media cohorts.

However, it has come to light recently that Trump is the only living president who is NOT descended from slave holders.

It was reported by The Daily Caller [1]that a genealogical study was done by Reuters – and guess what – it looks like Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Joe Biden and even Barack Obama was descended from slaveholders. (Obama is descended from slaveholders on his mom’s side.)

But not former President Donald Trump. The “racist.”


If the Don WAS descended from slave holders, we all know that it would be a major story on CNN and MSNBC – and in The Washington Post and the New York Times.

But they are being silent on this story.

The Reuters study looked at census records, tax documents, slave records, family Bibles, estate records and more – and then the information was vetted by board- certified genealogists.

Additionally, the study found that among the 536 sitting members of the last Congress, 100 were descended from slaveholders including Democrats Elizabeth Warren, Tammy Duckworth, Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan. Also found out in 2022, 11 of 50 state governors were directly descended from slaveholders.

Does this mean they’ll be paying reparations out of their own pockets???