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Joe Biden’s Secret Cell Phone Exposed After John Solomon Calls the Number

It wasn’t a massive investigation or a special ops that was months in the making. It was a leaked document that showed up in the hands of journalist John Solomon. It was a phone number. And he decided to call the number.

Solomon told Real America’s Voice that a document was leaked to him. He said, “It had a cell phone number that Hunter Biden was paying for, so I figured this was my chance. I’ve been trying to get fair comment from Hunter Biden, so I’m gonna call the cell phone!”

He did so, expecting to talk to Hunter since Joe’s son has been paying for the phone for the eight years while Joe was VP.

But Joe answered. The Big Kahuna. The Commander in Chief. El Numero Uno. The “BIG GUY.”

According to Peter Schweizer, author of “Secret Empires” who has been following and reporting on Biden corruption for years, Biden has been using this secret global cell phone for years, paid for by a Hunter Biden firm. Schweizer said this during an interview on Fox News with host Maria Bartiromo.

It’s apparently a phone that’s been used as the line of communication between old Joe, son Hunter and his business partners when Joe was VP. Data from the infamous Hunter Biden laptop, shows that one of Hunter’s businesses paid [1] for Joe’s phone from 2009 through 2017. Republican subpoenas that got old Joe’s phone records confirmed this. Next up for perusal need to be a public data dump to see exactly who Joe was talking to and when.

Solomon said Joe was pretty shocked when he picked up he phone and found John Solomon on the other end. Solomon said, “He hung up pretty quickly!”

Well, gee, that was rude. Maybe John had a really good brownie recipe to give the old relic. Or advice on parenting.