- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Guys in Girls’ Bathrooms Forever if the Equality Act Passes

As a woman, I am overly offended and sickened by the treatment of women by the Democrat party. I don’t accept being referred to as a “menstruating person.”

I don’t accept men in the women’s bathroom when I’m out shopping at a store.

I don’t accept boys showing up in the bathrooms and locker rooms in the K-12 schools and universities across the country.

I don’t accept boys and men competing in girls and women’s sports.

I think the current embracing of the transgender movement by the Democrats to secure them into their voting base is loathsome, abhorrent, distasteful and disturbing. The Democrats are now anti-women and are trying to erase decades of accomplishments in gaining equality (not equity) as they make their dozens of gender definitions into a laughing stock.

But the Democrats are not done. They never are.

The “Equality Act [1]” they are trying to push through has some special things in it that a lot of folks don’t know about. The Act, HR 15, was reintroduced in Congress in June of 2023 and according to the American Thinker [2] amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to embed the LGBTQ+ “lexicon” into the nation’s civil rights law.

They go on to say that the Act would criminalize anyone who refuses to go along with LGBTQ+ “rights” in the workplace, public accommodations, health care facilities, schools, colleges, and yes, churches.

That means wiping out any victories conservatives (and normal folks with common sense) have made to stop medical treatments for trans children, allowing boys and men to compete in women’s sports, allowing pornographic LGBTQ+ books in school and local libraries and more.

It would also erase the federal Religious Freedom Restoration (RFRA) protections so that everyone – churches, schools, shelters, adoption agencies, etc. – will be forced to comply with the LGBTQ+ agenda. And yes, hate speech laws, like the one that Michigan is currently trying to pass would rein across the country.

Democrats have done a great job controlling the education system in the United States and now they are working to control the language – and put a serious dent into our freedoms of speech and religion as well as wipe out actual equality to support the insane notion of equity.

Now the question remains, will Speaker McCarthy keep the Equality Act stuck in committee – or be stupid enough to let this atrocious piece of crap get voted on?