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Biden Cures Cancer – or Not

In one of President Biden’s rambling utterances of the week, he took credit for curing cancer [1]. He was speaking about access to mental health care and said, “One of the things I’m always asked is why Americans have sort of lost faith for a while in being able to do big things. If you could do anything at all, Joe, what would you do? I said I’d cure cancer. They looked at me like, why cancer? Because no one thinks we can. That’s why, and we can. We ended cancer as we know it.”

Wow. That’s pretty great. Yes, pretty great news to millions of Americans and others across the planet.

But back in the real world, it isn’t actually true.

However, what Biden says is often not taken seriously – and often walked back by his staff.

And, in this case, the puppet masters of Democrat-land, where truth is never relevant, went ahead and changed [2] the official transcript of Biden’s speech to read, “I said, ‘I’d cure cancer.’ And they looked at me like, ‘Why cancer?’ Because no one thinks we can. That’s why. And we can. We can end cancer as we know it.

Who cares if that is NOT what Biden really said. It’s what he was supposed to say. It’s what the Democrats say that he said [3].

I think it’s cool that the Democrats are able to change reality so that history isn’t actually documented accurately.

I’m sure other tyrants with power trips would have loved to change the words that politicians have spoken over time to change the course of history.

Or maybe they did and we don’t know it.

Maybe George Washington didn’t really quote Thomas Paine when he crossed the Delaware River. Maybe instead of saying, “These are the times that try men’s souls” he really said, “These are the tines that try men’s souls.” With wooden teeth, he could have been complaining about a problem using forks.

What if Martin Luther King Jr. actually said, “I have a cream…” at the civil rights march because he was trying to help out a friend with dry skin…

And maybe President Abraham Lincoln really said, “Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new bacon…” While that might not have been of interest to most peoplr listening to the speech at the time, I can’t say I feel the same. Have you every had maple-flavored bacon? YUM…To me, any new variety of bacon would be welcomed.