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Biden Admin Says Don’t Go to China – But It’s Okie Dokie for Them to Build Factories Here

The State Department issued a travel advisory [1] on June 30th for people traveling to mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau.

The advisory says, “Summary: Reconsider travel to Mainland China due to the arbitrary enforcement of local laws, including in relation to exit bans, and the risk of wrongful detentions.”

They ask Americans to “exercise increased caution when traveling to the Hong Kong SAR due to the arbitrary enforcement of local laws” and to “reconsider travel to the Macau SAR due to a limited ability to provide emergency consular services. Exercise increased caution when traveling to the Macau SAR due to the arbitrary enforcement of local laws.”

They end the advisory with “See specific risks and conditions in each jurisdiction.” So the Chinese are bad actors, huh? I don’t think this is news to anyone.

The fact that China doesn’t play by any rules of common decency, due process or international law is also not news to anyone.

China has wrongfully detailed and imprisoned businessman Paul Whelan, journalist Evan Gershkokvich and 78-year-old John Shing-Wan Leung [2] among others.

According to the New York Post who reports on the travel advisory, “Chinese officials have interrogated and detained foreigners, ‘including but not limited to businesspeople, former foreign- government personnel, academics, relatives of PRC citizens involved in legal disputes, and journalists,’ accusing them of violating China’s “national security laws.”

Meanwhile, according to President Biden and Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, the Chinese are to be TOTALLY TRUSTED as they put down roots in our country with their battery plants and other businesses.

The Chinese-linked Gotion plant near Big Rapids, Michigan is adjacent to an airport and about five miles from a military base – but that’s okay with Biden and Whitmer. And it’s okay that the plant was approved after a federal review [3] on security issues didn’t review much of anything because they said it wasn’t their jurisdiction. WTF??!

Besides the possible environmental damage that will likely happen from the plant being there, we’re supposed to believe that the company’s communist ties are benign. Nothing to see here, folks.

Yes, the Chinese wouldn’t dream of taking advantage of having a nice place in Michigan from which they can spy on us or do the bidding of the Chinese government.