- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Bad Week for Dems. Good Week for the Constitution.

The Democrats have their knickers in a twist. The Supreme Court delivered many anti- Democrat, pro-Constitution decisions last week.

Freedom of speech and religion has prevailed. The Constitution has prevailed.

The court has said that you can’t use race to decide who gets into college.

The court has said that you can’t make a Christian have to work on a Sunday.

The court has said that you can’t make a Christian offer services that go against their religion.

The court has said that King Biden can’t unilaterally break contract law by forgiving student loan debt.

This new reality will push the Democrats to use every resource available to make sure that they control the Senate, House, presidency and Supreme Court in the next election cycle. Their goal, now more than ever, is to pack the court and get rid of the influence of the evil Republican justices.

And I wouldn’t be surprised if the leftists went back to terrorizing the judges again by chasing them out of restaurants and showing up at their homes again. They didn’t face any consequences for it last time so why not.

Not surprisingly, Michigan Rep. and leftist Rashida Tlaib went nuclear and tweeted [1], “End lifetime appointments for Supreme Court Justices. Enforce a binding code of ethics. Expand the Court.”

CNN says the courts are “remaking America.” No. They are RESTORING America. Restoring constitutional order. God forbid. Yes, I said God. Because the courts say that I can.