- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

What If Everything You Think Is A Damned Lie?

Well, I throw that at you on the day after a President of the United States was arraigned on 37 charges of having documents that everyone admits he had the legal authority to have while exercising his job of protecting all of you good folks under the protections of the Constitution of the United States of America! These are documents that he had access to and could disseminate without favor, regard, or consideration. He could share these documents on the front page of the discredited New York Times and the more discredited Washington Post!

You see, I am a constitutional absolutist. I believe that the Freedom of Speech has no boundaries, and if you scream fire in a packed theater, it is up to those inside to determine if that’s true. By the way—that is not illegal—no matter what you have been taught.

What is happening inside your republic right now is the left screaming fire and prompting panic and an evacuation, when it is not only false—but worse, a complete perversion of reality.

We are getting lied to about nearly everything you see on the front page.

As America sleeps—Joe Biden sleeps too—and fills his adult diaper while those that control Washington—the elitists and globalists bought and paid for by communist China—run wild with their Socialist and Maoist ideas of central control.

All they want is power. That is what this show trial in Miami is about—putting on a show to discredit the politician they fear the most.
They do not care about me—in fact, I predict now that I will be silenced at some point. They will smear and discredit me, too, in an attempt to control the narrative and influence what you believe.

But I digress.

Sadly, this is on you, your family, and anyone who has the nerve to defend what America was and was always intended to be. They will be the ones to pay the price.

So, I must focus on what I know to be true. How about Joe Biden saying he would do whatever it takes to stop President Trump?

He was saying back in 2020 that he would use whatever power necessary to ensure Donald Trump was never president again. If that isn’t a ‘threat to democracy,’ I don’t know what is.

And there is a lot more going on that nobody—and I mean nobody—is paying attention to.

The politicization of the FBI is so thorough that they continue to stonewall the investigation into allegations that Joe Biden took a $5 million bribe from Ukraine.

If the FBI worked half as hard protecting the southern border as they do protecting Joe Biden, the US would be a much safer place.