- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Ignorant People Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Vote

Young folks are ignorant about American history and civics but can still vote. Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy wants to raise the voting age [1] to 25 (unless the voter is enrolled in the military, working for a first-responder or they have passed the same civics test that is given to immigrants who are seeking American citizenship).

I am not in total disagreement with that. But I would go even farther. I actually think EVERYONE in the country should have to know a certain minimum amount of information in order to vote and have to pass a civics test. Civics is the study of the rights and obligations of citizens in society. It’s a study of citizenship and government.

So what kind of questions are immigrants asked in order to obtain American citizenship? There are about 100 questions on the naturalization test [2] and they include questions like this:

• What is the supreme law of the land? (The Constitution).

• Name one right in the First Amendment (Speech, religion, assembly, press and petitioning the government).

• What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence? (Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness).

These are just a few of the questions that American voters should be able to answer as well – but sadly, most cannot. In 2018, U.S. News & Word Report had a survey [3] showing that only 39% of Americans can pass the test.

It’s very sad that ignorant and unpatriotic people are allowed to vote – and that is how we ended up with Biden as president (not to mention a large amount of election interference, scams, deceit, cheating and illegally changing voting laws.)

With most of our youth having no regard for the military or what made the country great, we have large groups of people who don’t vote in the best interests of the country.

Proof of this appeared in a recent Morning Consult survey [4] which found only 16% of Generation Z adults (ages 18 to 25) are proud to be American. Maybe they should leave. They can teake their iPhones, Starbucks coffee, TikTok and their privileged lives and head to North Korea, Russia or China and see how they fare.

In addition to that, new data [5] out of the National Center for Education Statistics reveals that only 13% of students nationwide meet proficiency standards in U.S. history and civics.

But ignorance about the country is not just a youth problem. It’s also a Democrat problem. Democrats are ignorant about history and the government – but are still allowed to vote. And they are the ones in charge of the educational system so they create even more ignorant people.

If you’ve watched any of the Jesse Watters’ “man on the street” interviews [6], you have seen just how ignorant people are. That’s because they don’t learn much in school (even less these days) except learning about the leftist view of the world.

Students are being taught that the country sucks and owes them things and parents are often unable to stop the indoctrination of their kids. When parents push back against incorrect history being taught, CRT, DEI or transgender males using girls bathrooms, the parents are targeted as bigots. Morality is also taking a hit as well – as we have a whole political party that thinks that the “right” to kill babies is more important than anything else on their ballot and will vote accordingly.