- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Democrat America: Let Criminals Be Criminals

In an article I wrote yesterday, I pointed out how Americans are protecting themselves at others at their own risk when trying to stop violence and criminality. The radical and progressive Dem prosecutors will almost always take the side of the criminal and go after good samaritans with their assault and murder charges.

The writing is definitely on the wall. San Francisco [1] has even ceded their entire city to the lawless drug-addicted homeless crowd and threw their local businesses and taxpaying law-abiding residents to the wind.

And the Dems are also making it clear that if you work at a retail store and people are stealing stuff, just let them do it. What’s it to YOU anyway if someone wants to shoplift some cigarettes or diapers or hemorrhoid cream or eye shadow?

The American Wire News [2] reports that there was a robbery at a Circle K in Colorado about two years ago where 75-year-old employee Mary Ann Moreno, who had worked for the company almost 20, years tried to intercede.

The criminal had a knife. Moreno declined to give him the cigarettes that he asked for. He tried to get the ciggies himself and that’s when she grabbed his arm and pushed him back. She was fired. Because it’s wrong to try to stop criminals from being criminals in Democrat America. It’s just mean.

Moreno is now suing the company for getting terminated. They say she violated the company’s “Don’t Chase or Contact Policy.”

Two female workers who worked at Lululemon, a Canadian multinational athletic apparel retailer, were also fired [3] from their jobs in Georgia for interacting with shoplifters because of the company’s “zero-tolerance policy.”

What did they do? They demanded the shoplifters to leave the store. Meanies.

I’m surprised that Lululemon, Walgreens and all the other retailers who don’t want to offend anyone aren’t hiring personal shoppers to help the criminals pick out the merchandise that they want.