- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Want to Survive a Future Operation in a Hospital? Good Luck.

What we have going on right now is medical malpractice with the dumbing down of doctors in the name of diversity.

Do you really want your next surgeon (or airline pilot) to be where they are in their job because of what can be defined as affirmative action?

The Daily Caller [1] reports that medical schools are ditching standardized tests in the name of “diversity.” So instead of making sure that competent people are sent into the medical field, the medical community has decided that it’s actually a good thing to make it easier to become a doctor with the removal of competency tests.

Because it’s been reported that Blacks get lower [2] MCAT scores (Medical College Admission Test), medical schools are dropping the requirement and are replacing it with “holistic” admission practices of judging students based on experiences and attributes and allowing race and ethnicity to be used as an admission factor.

About 40% of the medical schools across the country have ditched the MCAT, which is a test that shows an individual’s ability to problem solve, think critically and understand concepts about medical study.

Who would want that??!! Why would we want doctors who pass that kind of test to operate on us anyway??

Law schools are headed in the same direction, getting ready to ditch the LSATs (Law School Admission Tests).

It’s only fair that these tests are abolished. Why should people have to take tests anyway? It’s a waste of time to try to figure out if students are competent to go into certain careers. And it’s certainly racist [3]. They should really do away with all tests, including the ones in K-12 schools.

I sure wish that tests were considered racist back when I went to school. I certainly would have had a lot more free time in high school and college.