- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Let the Cheating Commence – Both Trump and DeSantis are Ahead of Biden in the Polls for 2024

I can’t imagine why people wouldn’t want a 80-year-old corrupt, inept and tyrannical president to stay in power through another presidency

I can’t imagine why people don’t like Biden’s open borders, fentanyl crisis, erosion of the law, inflation, endless spending, woke policies, attacks on our constitutional freedoms or foreign policy failures.

Through all of that mess, ABC still seems shocked that Biden is polling lower than Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Orange Man Bad to be the next president.

Over and over again, even Democrats say that they don’t want Biden to run again in 2024 – but he didn’t listen. Well, actually, to be fair, Jill Biden is the one who didn’t listen because she’s the one who ultimately made the decision. Without her help, the elderly feeble nursing home candidate wouldn’t be able to be where he is today, stumbling in both his words and his feet as he goes from place to place.

According to the Daily Caller [1], a new ABC/Washington Post poll shows that Trump would trounce President Biden in a hypothetical 2024 race leading the elderly president 49% to 42% – and DeSantis leads Biden 48% to 41%.

ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos said, “This poll is just brutal for President Biden.”

Don’t worry your little head, Georgie. Biden was probably a LOT more behind the last time he ran to be president and the Democrats pulled off a victory with help from their Antifa and BLM friends, the non-profits ballot harvesters and Democrats unconstitutionally changing election law.

There’s still a lot of time to push Biden over the top again.