- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Joe Biden’s Presidency: A Catalogue of Failures and the Looming Border Catastrophe

Well before Election Night 2024—Joe Biden will have to answer for all the failures he has overseen as President in the first part of his first term.

Right now, he has the lowest, that’s right, the lowest approval ratings of any President at this point in their first term. Make a note of that and notify the national press corps that seems to have missed that very big point. Joe Biden is far less popular than his predecessor Donald Trump, who, according to the latest ABC News Washington Post poll, would beat Biden by six points if the election were held today.

This week is shaping up to be the worst of his Presidency—and I want you to think about this—Joe Biden just announced his re-election campaign—albeit by video and not live in person. But normally, a sitting President announcing a fresh run would get a bump in the polls, but instead, Biden’s numbers are collapsing, and it’s because there is not a single issue or policy anyone can point to that would be considered a success. Let’s be clear—Joe Biden is a failing president.

And no matter how much the media tries to hold the line and pump up the Biden Presidency—the American people have seen enough, and they are pulling the plug.

And in about 48 hours, it’s all going to get dramatically worse because the border will no longer be defended by Title 42—it will be the Wild West with no real defense at all.

And while Nero fiddles, Rome burns. The problem is that Biden is playing the part of Nero—and this time around, he is not insane—but instead addled with dementia and incompetence.

It’s become so bad that even his media defenders are turning on him, hoping to create enough distance to avoid blame for this disaster.

For those that are seeing it up close every single day—the end of Title 42 in a couple of days is nothing short of a complete catastrophe that will leave a lot more than just border towns and states in ruin.

Yet, despite the overwhelming evidence that the border is not only insecure but basically wide open—the whole plan for the past two and a half years has been to keep lying about the entire situation.

The numbers, however, don’t lie. At least 6.3 million illegals streamed into America ever since a compromised Joe Biden stumbled into the White House and treated the meltdown at our southern border as nothing more important than people moving from California to Texas.

No matter how obvious it is that the border is open and that it’s Joe Biden’s fault—those inside the West Wing just keep lying. At this point, it’s all they can do—just keep lying and hope people believe it.

And if you are going to go for the gold of gaslighting—I say, go for it! If you are going to go for the big lie—go all in and put it all out there!