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Unequal Justice: Hillary Clinton Pays $8K Fine for Steele Dossier Fraud While Trump Arrested for 7-Year-Old Porn Payment

Looking at the big picture, when a normal and sane person balances the significance of “crimes” that are committed by our politicians, little attention is paid to the actual crime or how it affects our country. Because we have a corrupt and partisan legal system as well as a complicit media, the only thing that matters is WHO is committing the alleged crime.

If you are a Republican or a Trump supporter, warrants are not needed to investigate you and you get thrown in the clink for any trivial matter the Democrats can frame you for committing. If you’re a Democrat, they don’t even investigate your crimes, let along prosecute you or put you in jail.

Then there’s the whole Trump comparison. Trump gets 36 felony counts thrown at him for undermining the election [1] against Hillary Clinton but when Hillary does it, she gets a $8K fine.

Yes, the Democrats are getting off the hook again. Specifically Hillary Clinton. In a crime of epic proportions with Clinton paying for the fake Steele Dossier to interfere in an election and breaking campaign finance law, you would think there would be an arrest or some sort of actual accountability.

But no. She’s a Clinton. And a Democrat. So instead of going to jail, Hillary’s 2016 presidential campaign will be paying a $8K fine and the Democratic National Committee will be paying a $105K fine. And that’s that.

$8,000. That’s about what Hillary pays for a Tuesday luncheon.

A spokesperson for the DNC said the money is being paid to settle “silly complaints.” Yes, it’s really silly to go after the Democrats for election interference since they do it everyday. It’s no biggie.

So you see – crimes by the Democrats are just not important – because they are Democrats. It’s just business. And Hillary and the DNC are only paying fines because they didn’t report the payment accurately on disclosure forms. The biggest election interference scandal and political fraud on the American people has been broken down by the leftist as being a paperwork error.

As we have learned over the years, in their quest for power, Democrat election interference and the campaign finance law crimes they commit are very very trivial concerns and Clinton’s crimes were actually defined as “misreporting spending on research” by the AP [2].

Research. LOL. That’s funny. Like Hillary’s “research” was some kind of legitimate endeavor and not a total scam. One that even included other foreign countries like Russia.

Yes, it was a scam. A purposeful scam. It wasn’t even a fishing expedition for information. It was a Clinton lie to take down Trump – in search of people that would bow down and support her lies – even under oath. And the lies continued with fraudulent FISA requests and phony investigations into
Trump. It was quite the show. Bravo Clinton. And Bravo for only having to pay $8K after all was said and done.

And even though the Democrats are going after Trump full-bore on everything from removing mattress tags to jaywalking, they are keeping their hands clean when it comes to arresting Hillary or Hunter Biden or any other Democrat for anything that they do. No matter how big the crime. No matter how dangerous their crimes are to the United States of America, elected Democrats will not be charged, prosecuted or incarcerated.

I guess Orange Man Bad should have had his law firm hire someone else to hire someone else to hire someone else to “research” Stormy Daniels and then maybe he wouldn’t have been indicted and could instead pay a $8K fine.

But since it’s Trump, the same rules don’t apply. It really doesn’t matter how Trump does things or what happened to who or when. It only matters that Trump is the one who did something. And even if he didn’t do something, the Democrats will go after him anyway. Case closed. Send him to Rikers Island.

The Banana Republic [3] is here.

Trump’s response to his indictment should have been done in ALL CAPS when he said, “This is Political Persecution and Election Interference at the highest level in history.”

We will soon see that this Trump indictment is only the beginning of this next phase of Democrat corruption and the continuation of their election interference.