- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Is There a Biden Who is NOT a Grifter?

That doesn’t appear to be the case.

Biden’s son, son-in-law, brothers, sister, and who knows who else is on the take… Probably Joe Biden’s driver, the gardener and the dog too. The Biden family corruption, with family members profiting from access to and deals through President Joe Biden, has been reported [1] on for a long time – and books [2] have even been written about the subject – but nothing is ever done about it.

That’s because everyone is too busy trying to destroy former President Trump and his family while they ignore the corrupt Bidens and Clintons.

Surprisingly, the House Oversight Committee is actually looking into the Biden family and how they have benefitted from Biden connections.

While it’s interesting and newsworthy, we all know that nothing will be done about it no matter what evidence is uncovered. So while the committee issues subpoenas and gets bank records [3], all it does is confirm what we already knew years ago – the Bidens are corrupt.

The Biden grifters, shysters, charlatans, swindlers, cheaters and scammers don’t have to worry about anything happening to them – probably not even a slap on the wrist.

And they don’t have to worry about stopping the grift either because who is going to stop them from grifting? Certainly not the Republicans. Or the law.

Joe’s son Hunter can even have a computer laptop [4] that everyone in the world has seen the contents of that confirms his grift (not to mention multiple other crimes including what should result in gun and drug charges), and he’s still walking around free, with access [5] to The White House.

And who is the top dog, the big kahuna, the big enchilada, the VIP, boss and chief of this Biden Family Crime Syndicate? That would be the “Big Guy” himself, President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.