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Is Joe BIden’s Dog “Commander” a Menace Too?

Back in 2021, President Biden’s German Shepherd “Major” was exiled from the White House and sent to his home in Delaware because of a biting incident. Major, who was from an animal shelter, was rescued from a litter that had been exposed to something “toxic” in his original home and the owner couldn’t afford veterinary care for the puppies. He was fostered by the Bidens for the Delaware Humane Association’s shelter and they adopted Major in late 2018.

On March 8, 2021, both Major and Champ (Biden’s other German Shepherd) were temporarily moved to live with a family friend in Delaware after Major nipped a security guard. This was not Major’s first offense of displaying aggressive behavior that included jumping, barking and charging people, both Biden staff and security. The dogs came back to the White House on March 24th after Major got some training including how to live with a new cat that would be adopted soon.

Unfortunately, six days later, Major was involved with in another biting incident with a National Park Service employee while he was being walked.

In June of the same year, Champ died [1] at the age of 13. The Biden’s tweeted [2], “We love our sweet, good boy and will miss him always.”

In December of the same year, the Bidens announced they had a new puppy, a German Shepherd named Commander. They also said that Major would no longer be a resident of the White House and would be living with family friends.

Now it looks like Biden’s dog Commander might be following in the footsteps of Major with his aggression. Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit [3] on March 6th because the government failed to produce “Any records related to incidents of aggression and bites involving the Biden family dog, ‘Commander.’”

The records were requested in a FOIA request sent to the Department of Homeland Security that included communications sent to and from Secret Service officials involved in White House operations and the Presidential Protection Division.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement, “Judicial Watch already caught the Biden White House lying about their family dog attacking and injuring Secret Service and White House employees. Now it seems their new dog is also out of control and the Secret Service is hiding records about the issue.”

Although German Shepherds get a bad rap just like Pit Bulls do, many of them are well trained and lovable. However, you do have to take into consideration what their environment will be. They are protective. They are used as watchdogs and police K9s for a reason which is their intelligence, quickness, size, strength and loyalty. They are guardians. A busy White House, in my opinion, is NOT a good fit for a German Shepherd – which is why Major got the boot after veterinarians, animal behaviorists, and trainers recommended a quieter environment for him.

Looks like Biden is not necessarily a good influence on dogs either. And not all of them like him. Joe recently went to Ireland and was barked at [4] by President Michael Higgins’ large Bernese mountain dog named “Courage.”

How appropriate. If he went near any dogs named “Freedom” or Liberty, they’d probably bark at him too.