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Elon Musk on Twitter: “Government Had Full Access”

It really shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who has been paying attention to the Biden administration’s censorship of anything they don’t agree with that they had full access to Twitter for a while and could even gain access to our private messages.

Surprise surprise. Not.

The Daily Mail [1] reports this claim from Twitter CEO Elon Musk that came out of a Fox News interview with Tucker Carlson about just how much the Democrat-run government was able to spy on American citizens.

Musk told Carlson, “The degree to which government agencies effectively had full access to everything that was going on on Twitter blew my mind. I was not aware of that.”

He also talked to Carlson about all of the Twitter firings. Because Twitter was competing with other social media platforms and wanted more clicks, Musk said they would push stories whether they were accurate or not. He also said they concentrated on negative news. Musk said, “The news, very often, attempts to answer the question, ‘what is the worse thing that happened on earth today?’”

He told Carlson that between firing people and others leaving voluntarily, the company is about 20% of its original size before he got there.

When asked how he runs the company without 80% of the staff, Musk said, “It turns out you don’t need all that many people to run Twitter.” He went on to say, “If you’re not trying to run some kind of glorified activist organization and you don’t care that much about censorship, then you can really let go of a lot of people.”

Many of the firings were also a result of financial problems with the company. Twitter currently has about 1,500 employees [2] instead of around 8,000. Musk said “drastic” action was needed with the company facing a $3 billion negative cash flow situation with only about four more months to live.

But making money off Twitter was obviously not a big deal to the leftists because they were able to spy on us and stop us from communicating with others. It was definitely worth it to them to spend the big bucks in order to have that tyrannical control over us.

We don’t know how long the government had access to our private messages on Twitter but it was a true infringement on our privacy and their censorship went against our freedom of speech protections.

Unfortunately, Democrat-led government surveillance of us doesn’t come as a big shock because they are rogue. Rogue in everything they do.

Democrats do what they want to do in any manner that they want to do it. Rules and laws have no meaning because they rarely have consequences for anything they do.