- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Biden Does Nothing as Americans Continue to Get Kidnapped in Mexico

Biden has been sitting on his hands while Americans continue to get kidnapped in Mexico. I think we all can agree that this wouldn’t be happening under the Trump administration – well, it might have happened once, but that would have been the end of it. Prez. Trump would have taken action against Mexico and stopped the cartels in their tracks.

The latest kidnapping involves an American mechanic and California native. The. FBI is offering a measly $10K reward for information in the case. Edgar “Polvos” Perez Chairez [1] was grabbed on a street corner in Mexico last Tuesday by someone in a white late-model Ford-150. Chairez is only 5 feet, 5 inches tall with brown eyes and hair. He weighs about 187 lbs and has tattoos on his neck, arms and body.

On February 9th, a 63-year-old American woman, Maria del Carmen Lopez, was kidnapped from her home in Mexico. The FBI finally offered a $20K reward in the case of the missing woman a month later in March. She has blonde hair, brown eyes and tattooed eyeliner. Federal authorities are not sure who is involved in the kidnapping but witnesses saw her get kidnapped and put into a white van.

Back in November, Monica deLeon Barba [2], 29, was also kidnapped in Mexico – she was abducted while while walking home from work with her dog. Her family found the dog but not Barba. She is 5 feet, 7 inches tall and about 240 lbs. with brown eyes and brown hair. Her race is listed as White (Hispanic). A $40K award has been offered.

And in a very high profile case that was heavily covered in the media, in early March, four Americans were kidnapped after crossing into Mexico and two were killed [3].

Mexico is a dangerous place for Americans but Biden doesn’t seem to have a whole lot of concern about what is going on. As usual, the Biden-Harris administration gives us words, thoughts and prayers – and tells us that these acts are “unacceptable [4]” but words are about all they have to offer plus some piddly reward money after-the-fact.

The State Department put out a travel alert for spring breakers because of he kidnappings and violent crimes. The Democrats think these kind of things count as “action.”

White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby says that border security is a top priority [5]. That’s a joke in more ways than one as illegal aliens continue to pour across our open southern border.

After hearing Kirby’s words, I’m sure everyone feels safer now as the number of Americans getting kidnapped in Mexico keeps going up.