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Here Come The Brides…In Siberia.

No, this is not an article about ABC lumberjack sitcoms of the late 60s. Nor is it a piece on either David Soul or Bobby Sherman. Though, as Soul sung the worst rock ballad of the 70s, he probably deserves a word here or there.

This is the story about what happens to an already aggressive country when, because of infant female genocide during a one child policy period, it runs out of brides for about 30 million men.

Fox, “China will have 30 million more men of marriageable age than women in less than 15 years as a gender imbalance resulting from the country’s tough one-child policy becomes more pronounced, state media reported Friday.” Fox reported that statistic, one directly from the official PRC China Daily, 8 years ago.

“In some regions such as the southern provinces of Guangdong and Hainan, the ratio has ballooned to 130 boys to 100 girls, the newspaper said. The average for industrialized countries is between 104 and 107 boys for every 100 girls…The report predicted that by 2020 the imbalance would mean men of marriageable age — especially those with low income or little education — would find it difficult to find wives, resulting in possible social problems,” the report states. The process began three years ago according to the PRC’s State Population and Family Planning Commission. Where does this lead? Here.

China’s demographic doomsday is creating a “closing window of opportunity” for Chicom dictator “Xi to act on his territorial ambitions and invade a neighboring country”, China expert Gordon Chang recently said.

Dwindling population numbers and 30 million men with no realistic prospects of marriage “forces Xi Jinping to act sooner than he’d like, and it would force him to act more provocatively than he would otherwise,” Chang added. “So we’ve got to be concerned about China, but not a couple of decades from now, we’ve got to be concerned about China at this moment.”

And what lightly defended mineral treasure house lies just to the north of China? Siberia, the territory of a country already involved in a war in Ukraine. And what’s also in Siberia? Women, about 19 million of them. The rice bowl of Vietnam, those two have hated each other for centuries, comes in a close second on the CCP invasion hit parade.

If the Chinese moved in Siberia and rolled over the likely outnumbered and poorly supplied Russian troops, the vast expanses of the region would be open to them. Lumberjack sitcom indeed.

The only way Russia could stop the onslaught of “six hundred million screaming Chinamen,” apologies to Colonel Tanner, would be to use tactical nukes. First tactical and later, if the “Chinee” hordes ( yeah, probably from Kung Fu) suck it up and drive on, nuke attacks on Chinese cities. That’s more than getting your hair mussed.

Former Chicom despot Mao told a Yugoslav visitor to Beijing in 1957, “We have a very large territory and a big population. Atomic bombs could not kill all of us…What if they killed 300 million of us? We would still have many people left.” If Xi also has this attitude, and given his issue of males without brides, he could solve his perfect demographic storm by moving on Siberia. With lots of weakly defended minerals, land, and women, it’s a way better bet for Chinese infantry than Taiwan ever will be. The clock is ticking.