- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

The Virginia Example

The November midterms are less than two months away and most campaigns are already going full bore. While the GOP has an advantage, it’s not too late to see them throw it away.

As we’ve seen, the Dems are making Trump and his alleged threat to democracy a key point in their message. Dumb, I know. But remember, there an awful lot of dumb people out there. In fact, since the beginning of human history the terminally stupid have outnumbered the intelligent by rather large margins. Today and here are no exceptions to that rule.

So how can the Republicans take Congress and not play into the Dem message? Easy, put a muzzle on Donald Trump.

Oh, stop your whining. Yeah, yeah, he’s your ideal, etc. Well, wake up and smell the java. About half the country disagrees with you and thinks he’s a dangerous lunatic. Me? Yeah, he’s a spoiled delusional silver spoon brat who is his own worst enemy. But his administration did a good job and he’s a better option that any Dem I can think of.

So the trick to the muzzle is not to make it too tight, lest we alienate the Trump supporters the Republicans need to win in November. Is it possible? Will Trump close his festering yap for just a second? Yes. How do we know this? He did it last year in Virginia.

As you may recall, last year’s gubernatorial race featured Republican Glenn Youngkin versus Democrat retread Terry McAuliffe. McAuliffe used the anti-Trump message in his campaign. There were times that’s all he talked about. Youngkin, with Trump’s aid, knew how to effectively counter it.

He made sure Trump reached out and got Trumpsters to the polls, but also ensured that Trump stayed away from Virginia and kept his outreach generally limited to Trump supporters. Youngkin won.

Thus, you’d think the GOP and Trump would cut the same deal this year, right? Yes and no. Both probably recognize the power of the tactic. However, we’re a year closer to 2024 and the presidential race starts the second the midterms are over. Ah America, land of never-ending elections.

So Trump is in a different position than he was last year. He may not want to be as quiet as he was in Virginia, not to mention his legitimate paranoia is at an all time high, as the Biden administration weaponizes federal law enforcement against him.

Nevertheless, he needs to follow the Virginia example. If he doesn’t and the GOP loses either chamber the fault could be laid at his feet, making him less popular with Republican voters in the upcoming 2024 primaries. It is in his own best strategic interest to keep a relatively low profile and spur the Republicans to victory. Problem is, Trump many times doesn’t do what is clearly in his own best interest.