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Some Republicans Look To The Present And Future

If we went to war with Mexico tomorrow, would we fight it like Afghanistan? Or perhaps like the last war with Mexico? Not bloody likely.

But some Americans, one especially, won’t stop fighting the 2020 presidential election. Guess what? It’s over. We lost. Proof? The senile incompetent who has been sitting in the Oval Office since January of 2021.

Why won’t Trump move on? Because he thinks he was cheated out of a win. But guys who supported him, guys who worked for him, guys whom he appointed to office, say he outright lost. He did. Here’s their verdict.

Fox: “Over the course of a year, a conservative group looked at all 64 cases of the Trump campaign’s claims in six key states and concluded that there were no substantial instances of fraud that would have changed the election results. The report goes state by state and claim by claim, taking time to investigate each legal case.

Benjamin Ginsberg, an election attorney who has worked in Republican politics for decades, along with former senators John Danforth and Gordon H. Smith and longtime Republican congressional chief of staff David Hoppe, as well as former Solicitor General Ted Olson and former federal appeals court judges Michael Luttig, Michael McConnell and Thomas Griffith concluded that there were no substantial claims of fraud to change the election.”

“I contacted Ben and a number of other longtime political conservatives to say, ‘Let’s look at this ourselves. Let’s not rely on what The New York Times is telling us or our other outlets are telling us. Let’s look at this ourselves. Let’s spend the time. Let’s do a deep dive into each of the contested states,'” Griffith said.

“Some of those changes may have created possibilities for fraud, but there is no evidence that those risks materialized in reality; nor did they result in dampening voter participation. Quite the opposite. Nonetheless, moving forward, the states should redouble their efforts to strengthen the integrity of our voting systems and make it as easy to vote and as hard to cheat as possible for persons of every circumstance,” comments Ginsberg.

“One of the effects that the charges of fraudulent elections has is that it’s going to depress Republican turnout — that if voters come to think their votes don’t matter because the results are rigged, they’ll stay home,” Ginsberg said. Bingo. Trump and his base better get hip to this quick because Americans care about the present and the future when it comes to 2022 and 2024. We also don’t need Republicans staying at home because they think the game is fixed. That plays right into Democrat hands.

Even liberal Bill Maher concedes the point. “And I just thought, you know, if Trump could just let go of the election, which he can’t, he can win this so easy because he can win just on Drag Queen Story Hour,” Maher said. Exactly. Thus we have to stop fighting the last election. If Trump can’t get over his de facto loss, for whatever the reason, then the GOP must find somebody who can address voter concerns of today and the future, not the political inside baseball of 2020.