- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Assault a Cop, Get Set Free

It used to be that the rules about assaulting (or killing) a police officer had pretty big consequences. If a criminal will go after a police officer, they CERTAINLY will go after the rest of us.

But in crime-ridden NYC, if you beat down a police officer, you are able to get out of jail in less than 24 hours after you are arrested.

A 16-year-old in NYC threw more than 20 punches at a police officer in a Manhattan subway station on July 24th after jumping a turnstile and being approached by two police officers. One of the officers, who was the same race as the suspect, was slammed into a metal gate and dragged to the floor in a chokehold.

But that’s not all the accused has done lately. He appears to be on a crime spree.

Three days earlier, he was let out for another violent attack when him and some friends, according to Fox News [1], “smashed their fists into a man’s head just after midnight then swiped his cellphone, causing the victim substantial pain and abrasions to his head and hand” according to the complaint.

And he had yet another prior arrest for gun possession.

But the judge let him walk free for assaulting a police officer and being a consistent threat to the community.

No bail. No ankle bracelet. Nothing.

So do the progressive radical democrats really care about gun violence – or keeping us safe? Hell no.