- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Shoot Up a Mall, Go Home and Chill in Your PJs

The criminal protection plan created by the democrat party is still alive and well and has allowed South Carolina mall shooting suspect, Jewayne Price, to go home on house arrest with an ankle bracelet [1].

No worries. I’m sure he’s not dangerous at all.

As long as you don’t hang out in malls, right?

I mean, no one actually died. Sure 14 people were injured but no one is ordering caskets for anyone. 

No worries, I’m sure he’s not dangerous at all.

But wait, this shooting suspect dude was arrested back in 2018 as an accessory in a shooting death.

The victims at the mall, who range in age from 15 to 73, were lucky to survive the hail of bullets.

Price’s attorney claims that Price acted in self-defense. 

Yep, I’m sure that the injured 73-year-old woman at the mall is a scary chick who was a threat to Price so he just had to defend himself from her.

According to the police, none of the injured were connected to the shooting. They were bystanders. Doesn’t sound like self defense of anything to me shooting innocent people.

The self-defense excuse is something for a jury to decide – but preferably BEFORE a suspect is let out of jail.

However, the democrats never seem to like that sort of plan.

Everyone must go free. It’s fair and equitable.

Well, thank goodness that the judge set a condition that Price can’t go to the mall or contact anyone involved in the shooting. 

He sounds like an upstanding citizen who follows the law so I’m sure he’ll do what he’s told.