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Twitter Rule Changes Will Protect Antifa and Other Leftist Criminals

With Parag Agrawal, the new Twitter CEO, in charge of what everyone will be able to tweet, and Jack Dorsey no longer accountable to anyone, changes are coming fast and furious in the Twitterverse.

The first reported change is that we will no longer be able to tweet out photos of criminals without their permission.

Do you have a mug shot of a criminal we need to be looking for or maybe you want to expose a criminal to the public who’s been arrested in your town? Too bad for you.

The Democrat Criminal Protection Program is in full swing.

Twitter Safety tweeted on November 30th, “Beginning today, we will not allow the sharing of private media, such as images or videos of private individuals without their consent. Publishing people’s private info is also prohibited under the policy, as is threatening or incentivizing others do do so.”

Laugh out out, Twitter. 

That is ALL the democrats do on Twitter – doxing conservatives and threatening them – and we know Twitter won’t be suspending or banishing any leftists, even if they publish an unauthorized photo of one of them holding onto Trump’s decapitated head.

But the new rules are a great excuse to get rid of even more conservatives than they already have.

Antifa terrorists are already breathing a sigh of relief [1] that their mugshots will no longer be tweeted out by journalist Any Ngo and are celebrating online, telling all of their supporters to report all of Ngos posts when he publishes their mugshots and names after they get arrested for arson and other violent crimes.

Twitter, and the new CEO particularly, doesn’t believe in free speech. At least not for conservatives. Democrats and democrat-supporting terrorists will continue to have free rein but, of course, we will not.

In an interview with Technology Review [2] in 2020, Agrawal said, “Our role is not to be bound by the First Amendment, but our role is to serve a healthy public conversation and our moves are reflective of things that we believe lead to a healthier public conversation.”

A leftist conversation and only a leftist conversation. We know exactly who these new rules are for and who they will be protecting.