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No Euthanasia in Germany if You are Not Vaccinated

We currently live in a world where the Babylon Bee is actually reality. The absurd is the space we inhabit now because of the leftists who rule over us.

Probably no story illustrates that more vividly than the new rule in Germany that doesn’t allow you to partake in your own euthanasia without being vaccinated first [1].

The purveyors of death by assisted suicide say that suicide-on-demand is only available for the vaccinated. 

So even though killing yourself is a constitutional right in their country, apparently your bodily autonomy is not an absolute and you can’t refuse a COVID-19 vaccine.

Verein Sterbehilfe at the German Euthanasia Association recently issued this new directive that requires assisted suicide candidates to be vaccinated because “human closeness” is a breeding ground for coronavirus transmission. 

Germany is currently in the middle of contemplating mandated vaccines [2] on everyone in the country and a full lockdown – and it looks like no one gets a waiver, not even those who are planning on a quick afterlife.

Jens Spahn, German’s new health minister, seems to be on board with mandating vaccines on everyone in the country and has said that by the time winter is over “pretty much everyone in German will be vaccinated, recovered or dead.”

Sounds like a lovely place to live.