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City Of Boston Banning The Unjabbed From Entering Or Working At Indoor Venues

BOSTON, MA – The city of Boston announced on December 20th a new phase that will come into effect by mid-January of 2022 that will effectively ban nearly anyone who hasn’t gotten a COVID jab [1] from entering or even holding jobs at indoor establishments within the city.

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Come January 15th of 2022, if one doesn’t have proof handy that they’ve gotten a COVID jab, then they’re going to be banned from basically every in-door venue, meaning eateries, bars, nightclubs, fitness centers, movie theaters, music venues – ostensibly any location [3] that services customers indoors.

The only indoor places that aren’t covered by this mandate are department/grocery stores and soup kitchens.

And, according to the impending mandate, the city is devising their own iteration of “no jab, no job.”

“Employees working in those spaces will also be required to be vaccinated,” the mandate reads. “Covered businesses are responsible for checking proof of vaccination and posting a notice about the COVID-19 vaccine requirement.”

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According to the order, there are phases associated with this rollout that compel not only adults but also children as young as five years old who would have to be jabbed in order to be allowed anywhere detailed as a “covered entity” within the mandate:

The fact that young children would effectively be forced into getting jabbed if they want to enjoy a movie or bite out to eat with their family is concerning, as The Harvard Gazette even mentioned [5] that in “rare instances, the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is linked to myocarditis, which is an inflammation of the heart. When this occurs, it is mostly seen in young males following their second dose of an mRNA vaccine.”

Perhaps the most alarming language provided in the guidance for the mandate comes under the “Additional Questions” section where the topic of “What if a person states that they cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons” is addressed.

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“Covered businesses must require proof of vaccination,” the guidance says. “If a customer requests an exemption from the vaccine requirement due to a disability, engage with them in a cooperative dialogue to see if a reasonable accommodation is possible. A business does not have to provide a reasonable accommodation if doing so would create a direct threat (including contact with an unvaccinated individual) for other customers or employees of the business, or impose an undue hardship on the business.”

In that line of guidance regarding the mandate, the city of Boston has labeled anyone who hasn’t been jabbed with a COVID shot “a direct threat.” Such language is extremely disturbing.

Those who won’t or are medically unable to comply with the COVID jab policy in Boston are in store for an effective ostracization from society come January.

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This piece was written by Gregory Hoyt on December 20, 2021. It originally appeared in RedVoiceMedia.com [8] and is used by permission.

Read more at RedVoiceMedia.com:
COVID Effectively Eradicated In Population of 241 Million, Only 16% Jabbed, Big Media Silent [VIDEO] [9]
Trump Spills The Beans On Why He Didn’t Fire Fauci [VIDEO] [10]
CDC Admits Vaxxed Parents Killing Unvaxxed Kids! The Danger is Real! [11]