- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

The Only Thing Democrats Care About is Effort

It must be nice to be a democrat. It’s almost like being a meteorologist. You don’t always have to be right. Not even 50% of the time.

But least meteorologists do their job. 

Democrats don’t even do that.

Effort is what democrats thrive on.

They love participation trophies.

They try to show that they really care about something and they give lip service about working to solve a problem.

But they never do.

In fact, they are usually working AGAINST solving a problem.

They have a whole different set of goals than they tell the American people.

Take the border for instance.

They pretend to be fixing a “broken” immigration system but what they really mean is that Trump broke their system of letting as many illegal aliens into America as possible. So fixing the immigration system really means opening the borders to a point where it’s open more than it’s ever been before.

And there is no one better at getting that accomplished than our own Secretary of Homeland Insecurity, Alejandro Mayorkas.

Mayorkas appeared in front of a Senate Judiciary Committee [1] on Tuesday and actually gave himself a “A” for effort when republican Senator Lindsey Graham asked him to grade himself.

Mayors says he’s a tough grader on himself but he still ended up giving himself an A.

That’s all the democrats need to do is try. They don’t actually have to get anything accomplished.

Although, who is to say that Mayorkas is NOT getting done exactly what he wants to get done? And exactly what Obama and Biden want him to do.

We all foolishly think that his job is to reduce border crossings but maybe his REAL job is just to process the illegal aliens as fast and efficiently as possible and get them into the country to be future democrat voters.

In fact, we all know that is EXACTLY what his real job is under President Disaster.

So when he tells us his effort deserves an A, he’s probably telling the truth.