- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Racism is Racism, and AS USUAL, the Republicans are the Ones Against It While Racist Liberals Are Running Rampant

History hasn’t changed. And neither has the attitudes towards minorities by liberals. Only the methods and strategies of the Democrats have changed. 

The Democrats were the party of Jim Crow [1], segregation, slavery and the KKK. And they are almost as bad now – but they have a better marketing program. They are less violent but their goal is the same.

They think that minorities are victims and treat them as such so they can earn their votes by offering to fix their problems.

Democrats disproportionately and systemically kill black babies with abortion, targeting low income neighborhoods for their Planned Parenthood clinics. They call this “pro choice.”

They tell blacks that they aren’t smart enough to get voter ID and vote properly, therefore there should be no voter ID at all. When you don’t agree with them, they call it “voter disenfranchisement” and “racism.”

They tell whites they are racist and blacks they are victims. They call this “critical race theory” and are brainwashing little kids in school to judge people by the color of their skin

The Antifa Black Lives Matter riots that happened during social justice protests after the death of George Floyd have morphed into all out racism against all white people, not just police. 

The leftists and their cohorts in the media don’t mind trying to divide the country. In fact, they relish in it.

The media doesn’t mind stoking the flames of a race war. Academics and others don’t mind stating their racism openly anymore.

It’s everywhere.

A psychiatrist [2] in Manhattan lectured at a Yale Child Study Center recently and talked about “unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way.”

She continued to talk about burying their body and wiping her bloody hands as she walked away with a bounce in her step. The lecture was called “The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind” and it was given by Aruna Khilanani, a woman who is of Indian descent.

Then there was a National Black Power Convention [3] where they were observing the 100th anniversary of the Black Wall Street Massacre. The theme of the convention was “Reparations Now!”

An unidentified activist at the convention talked about white people and said once white people are buried, they need to be dug up and killed again. He, of course, got a lot of applause. He also demanded reparations and said a cultural revolution would be coming where black Americans would “kill everything white in sight.”

The keynote speaker, Malik Shabazz, didn’t sing much of a different tune, telling black Americans to “unite and organize with a zealous fierceness never witnessed before.”

Not to be outdone, we have a health care journal which published research that said whiteness is a “parasitic condition [4]” without a permanent cure.

Apparently being white is a perverse mental condition according to author and activist Donald Moss.

Meanwhile, it’s the Conservatives, the Republicans (as usual) sounding the alarm about the racism going on. But then again, we always have.

WE are the ones who believe in freedom and opportunity and equality (not equity). We are the ones who fought the war to free to slaves.

President Lincoln was OUR president.

A racist is a racist no matter what color of mouth it is coming out of.

This is definitely not MLK Jr.’s America. It’s definitely no America he would be proud of.