- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Biden Administration Pushing July COVID Miracle

I’ve been noticing that the Democrats keep talking about July as if the month is some great hope for the end of the pandemic. Their messaging is on a consistent path and what that usually means is that they’re up to something. 

But what? 

Is it just a marketing pitch so that we remember that Independence Day is the day that Biden defeated COVID-19 and we were finally “allowed” to spend time with family and friends and our burgers and grills?

President Disaster was the first to talk about July 4th being a target date for COVID freedom.

Biden told us that we might be able to be allowed to get together [1]with our friends and family by July 4th if we do the right thing and follow all of their rules. He said, “To celebrate our independence from this virus on July 4th with family and friends in small groups, we still have more to do in the months of May and June. We all need to mask up until the number of cases goes down, until everyone has a chance to get their shot.”

Now he has even set a target of 70% of Americans getting vaccinated by July 4th [2]. Good luck with that, dude. Maybe if you handed out free beer, pizza, wacky weed and a $1000 gas card, you might have a shot at that goal.

Who else is on board with the July date of pandemic freedom? NYC Democratic Mayor Bill deBlasio. He says that NYC will “reopen” on July 1st. 

Meanwhile, the tyrannical and unscientific governments around the country are cancelling July 4th fireworks (AGAIN [3]) even though they’re obviously an outdoors event. Guess they didn’t get Biden’s memo.

And the CDC, of course, is on board with Joe’s July prognosis for the end of omnipotent COVID and the beginning of a new Biden utopia.

The CDC’s modeling shows a sharp decline in July [4] for cases, hospitalizations and death. 

And we all know how great THEY are at predictions, right?

If Trump was President and made this sort of prediction, the media would all be laughing at him and that’s pretty much what we should do when Biden says something like this. 

I’m already laughing that he thinks I need his permission to party on July 4th with friends and family not in my household.