- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Liz Cheney is Not on Board with Trump 2024 – Like Anyone Cares

There is a long list of Republicans who a lot of us don’t care about because they don’t stick up for conservatism, they don’t push back against the lying media and and they didn’t support the America First Trump agenda because they personally don’t like Donald Trump.

Some of them go up against America first legislation, some of them supported Trump’s impeachments, some of them have mouthed off against Trump’s style and some don’t protect the Constitution and conservatism when it’s needed the most.

Some of the more high profile Rinos and never-Trumpers that we haven’t been able to count on include John Boehner, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Brian Kemp, John Kasich, Ben Sasse, Jeff Flake and Paul Ryan.

And Wyoming REP Liz Cheney.

For some reason, after these politicians have turned against us and what’s best for the country, they think we’re going to support them or even care what they have to say.

Liz Cheney isn’t popular in her own state let alone the rest of the country because of her TDS. When you vote to impeach a President, don’t expect the voters of your party to care about anything else you say or do after that.

So when Liz Cheney told Neil Cavuto the other day that she wouldn’t support Trump [1] if he runs for President again, I have to ask… who cares? 

No one.

I haven’t been waiting at the edge of my seat for her to endorse Trump. 

I don’t think anyone cares what she has to say except perhaps the Trump-hating Lincoln Project.

Cheney voted to impeach Trump and blamed him for the Capitol riots saying that Trump shouldn’t play a role in the Republican party’s future. She said that Trump summoned the mob, assembled them and lit the flame of the attack. She said “everything that followed was his doing [2].”

Liz Cheny has NO CHANCE to win her primary again unless the Republicans do something stupid like having a plethora of candidates running against her. 

Trump agrees [3]. He recently said, “So many people are looking to run against Crazy Liz Cheney – but we only want one.” 

With a Trump endorsement on an opposing Cheney candidate, which he promised to make soon, that should do the trick and seal her fate – even though other Rinos like Paul Ryan are having fundraisers for her.