- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Will Biden Be Your President?

I don’t like it any more than you do. But on January 20th Joe Biden becomes president of the United States. That is a fact. If you refuse to accept facts then you really don’t belong on the conservative side of the aisle. You belong over on the far left with the same people who said four years ago, “He’s not my president.”

Now, accepting reality doesn’t mean you shouldn’t peaceably and politically fight Biden and the Democrats with every political tool at your disposal. You should, as Biden and the Democrats are threats to the success and freedom of this nation.

But to know how to properly politically defeat them you have to know a proper starting point. That point is the reality of the Biden presidency.

Will you, when Joe Biden throws open the southern border, say, “He can’t do that! He’s not the president!” When the Biden administration denudes the military and appeases the Iranians and the Chinese, will you say, “How can he do that? He’s not the president!”

Though there are people who can legitimately say Joe Biden is not their president. Those people are called foreigners. If you are an American and refuse to acknowledge the Biden administration, then you and your Antifa brothers under the skin belong to an interesting American political grouping: The Make Believe Coalition.

Just as the spoiled children of Antifa would not accept the Trump administration, preferring to live in a delusional state of being, so the Make Believe Coalition also includes people who are past the far right and who inhabit the fever swamps of the delusional right.

It is reminiscent of children who will hold their breath and stomp their little feet until they get their way. Or of those who nurse grudges that become quickly moot. As such, did Joe Biden win the presidency honestly? Very probably not. Was the right Republican nominated at the 1976 Republican National Convention? Very probably not. Both interesting questions and one would have been under active investigation if a Republican president hadn’t termed the Georgia runoffs “illegal” and picked fights with the state’s two highest Republican elected officials, thus throwing the Senate to the Democrats. Now, both questions are moot.

Nevertheless, you can see on social media many memes and messages from Americans that unequivocally state that Joe Biden is not their president. If you are posting one of them, ask yourself this: Is a negation of political reality the best way to fight Joe Biden and the Democrats?

If you see a meme or message like that, do not troll the poor sad soul who posted it. Merely bounce them from your social media coterie. It will perhaps act as a wakeup call for them and will rid you social media engagement with a person who refuses to accept objective reality. Because on January 20th, that’s just what the Biden presidency will be. Get over it.