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Race-Baiting Kamala Harris Still Pushing Her Communist Platform As She Tries to Skate Towards the Presidency

We all know that Biden is not going to be president for long if he wins. The powers that be (most likely Obama and his previous administration) don’t want Biden to be president but he’s a nice placeholder to slip progressive communist race-baiting Kamala Harris into The White House.

They would get rid of Biden within the first year (probably in the first few months) either because of his dementia or because of his corrupt dealings in China and other countries. Yes, they’re ignoring his corruption for now but they won’t be ignoring it later when they can use it for their benefit. 

So a vote for Biden is a vote for President Harris – which is another reason why I expect a Trump landslide win in this election. 

Kamala has never been popular with democrats. She was the first democratic presidential candidate to drop out of the primary and always seemed to hover around 6 or 8% support in the polling. I don’t think she ever got above that. Democrats didn’t like her and she didn’t have the support of black voters either.

Harris is a total opportunist who (yes it’s true) slept her way into this position, having an affair with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown. He used his influence to get her well paying jobs in his administration and then he got his own donors to support her political ascendancy as well. She definitely wouldn’t be where she is today without Willie. 

While Biden is out speaking moderate democratic gibberish to his eight supporters in white circles and two honking cars, Harris is spouting her communist plans everywhere she goes.

She is the most progressive Senator in the country and has been race-baiting on her Twitter feed since she started running for President. 

Now, with the new ad she released on Twitter, she has combined those two things by coming out with a racist AND communist ad [1].

The ad is called “There’s a big difference between equality and equity.” It’s a Biden-Harris 2020 ad and it’s narrated in her voice.

The ad assumes the black person in the video is somehow sub-standard and needs help. Harris wants to make sure they get the same resources and have the same outcome as everyone else, whether they work hard or not, whether they deserve it or not. 

Harris wants to make sure the government gives some of her favorite people some extra stuff in the beginning of their struggle so that everyone ends up with the same result.

That’s pure communism. That’s pure Kamala.

But that’s not what America is about. America is about working hard and success is based on that hard work as well as many other things. 

Democrats have never believed in that. They don’t think that outcomes should be determined by silly things like hard work.

And it’s interesting to note that the name Harris comes before Biden in the ad as the camera in the cartoon scrolls up. While you are looking at the ad, you see “Harris Biden” not the other way around.