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More BS from the CDC: Telling People to Go Ahead and Vote in Person Even if You Have COVID-19

There’s a reason why Anthony Fauci, director of the NIAID, needs to be fired – as well as many other deep state people who work in the CDC.

Because these so-called “experts” are idiots.

Don’t wear a mask, wear a mask…

Millions of people will die….

Blah, blah, blah…

They won’t even support contact tracing for any visits you make that last 15 minutes or less. That would include gas stations, banks, drug stores and many other places people go to all week long.

Apparently the virus knows that it’s time to infect you when the clock strikes the 15 minute and one-second mark.

These people are completely moronic.

Now the CDC is saying that people with COVID-19 have the “right” to vote in person [1]. And so do people in quarantine.


What kind of disease prevention organization is this?

Their website says, “Voters have the right to vote, regardless of whether they are sick or in quarantine.”

What was the whole “early voting” thing all about for God’s sake?!

In the meantime, guess what Dr. Birx is telling everyone? 

According to the Washington Post (take it as you will), she has said in a report, “We are entering the most concerning and most deadly phase of this pandemic.”

I’m done with these people. Seriously.

Done, done, done.