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BLM Assault Million MAGA March Supporters

The media may paint them as peaceful protesters and the future of America, but the Black Lives Matter and Antifa movements are the identities of everything that is wrong in this country. They loot, steal, and intimidate their way through our streets and towns, yet we are supposed to believe in their agenda. President Trump has even denounced the violence while the Democrats continue to skirt the subject and the media glorify their so-called cause. Even after stealing an election, BLM won’t be happy until every Trump supporter has paid. That was their mentality this weekend at the Million MAGA March.

For weeks, Trump supporters have been waiting for the Million MAGA march on Washington D.C. The idea behind the movement was to show support for the sitting President. Unlike Biden’s rallies, thousands of people turned out to support President Donald Trump. They not only showed their support but also voiced their opinions when it came to the 2020 election. Needless to say, you are not the only one to think something illegal went down during the election and the Democrats are behind it. There was a plethora of signs like “Trump 2020” and “Stop the Steal”.

At the same time, several anti-Trump groups thought it would be a great idea to put on a counterprotest with signs that said, “Punch a MAGA in the face.” Before the two groups even met each other, the BLM was already looking for a fight. Just like in the past, Antifa and BLM can’t show their difference in opinion without throwing fists. In the clips below, you will see Trump supporters get hit, spit on, and even knocked unconscious – and for what? To prove to the American people that your movement is made up of nothing but thugs and criminals?

Sadly, that isn’t the only video from the Million MAGA March where Trump supporters were beaten. In another video, a woman can be seen having her hair pulled before the American flag she is carrying is ripped from her hands. Again, these people are being assaulted, beaten, and bruised because they love the country that gives BLM the freedom to act this way.


But as I said above, this wasn’t the only video. In another one, you can easily see the Trump supporters being stalked by a group of Black women. One of the ladies decides to throw a haymaker at the Trump supporter, hitting him in the back of the head.


With so much division and violence, you believe the so-called President-elect would stand up and make a statement against the violence shown to the Republicans. But what do we get? Most likely another month of lockdowns.

This piece was written by Jeremy Porter on November 15, 2020. It originally appeared in DrewBerquist.com [7] and is used by permission.

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