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Kayleigh McEnany Eviscerates CBS Reporter Paula Reid For Interrupting Her

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany sparred with CBS reporter Paula Reid once again on Thursday during a press briefing that went off the rails.

Things got heated when Reid asked McEnany about President Donald Trump’s position on condemning white supremacy, only to talk over the press secretary when she tried to respond.

Undeterred, McEnany answered the question by highlighting Trump’s efforts to “prosecute the KKK as domestic terrorists” and to designate lynching as a national hate crime.

“There is no stronger signal that you can send than advocating for the execution of a white supremacist, the first time there’s been a federal execution in 17 years,” McEnany continued, according to Daily Caller [1]. “He continually condemned it and it is really —”

Reid interrupted to claim that Trump’s record was “mixed” on this issue, but McEnany was not having any of it.

“His record is not mixed in the slightest,” McEnany replied, referencing the fact that Reverend Jesse Jackson once praised for Trump “serving the underserved communities” and that Mar-A-Lago was the first golf club in Palm Beach that was open to both Jews and African Americans.

Reid kept trying to talk over McEnany, ignoring all these examples by claiming that Trump had made his position on this issue unclear. Finally, McEnany had enough and raised her voice at the leftwing reporter.

“Let me speak, Paula. Paula, we’re not having a debate on a cable news network,” McEnany said. “Right now you need to let me finish. You need to let me finish. It’s quite funny that the media goes haywire about interrupting in debates and then chooses to pursue that very same tactic themselves. This is a White House briefing. You ask a question and you give me time to answer.”

Later in the press briefing, McEnany called out the media for ignoring Antifa and the violence caused by the group.

“And in fact, something else lost upon the media is the absolutely turning of a blind eye to Antifa. Carrying the water for the Democrats, the media apparently agrees with Jerry Nadler that Antifa violence is a myth,” she said [2].

Not stopping there, McEnany shot down Joe Biden’s claim that Antifa is an “idea.”

“Ideas do not target police officers, ideas do not burn down buildings, ideas do not kill innocent Americans, organizations do,” she insisted. “And Democrats should condemn the shameful group the same manner President Trump continues to condemn white supremacy,” she said before dramatically ending the scrum.

This piece was written by James Samson on October 2, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette [3] and is used by permission.

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