- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

Joe Biden Wants to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccines for Every American

The big, massive, enormous, gigantic bombshell of the October 15th dueling town halls of Biden and Trump was ignored by most everyone. 

It was Joe Biden telling everyone that he wants Americans forced to get the COVID-19 vaccine when it comes out. Kind of odd, really, after him and Kamala keep downplaying any vaccine that comes out under the Trump administration.

Nevertheless, you should be forced to take it. 

When it comes to abortion, democrats believe that no one should have any say over a woman’s body – my body, my choice, right?! 

But when it comes to vaccines, the government can tell you what to do with your body.

Biden told George Stephanopolos at the town hall, “I would think that we should be talking about – depending on the continuation of the spread of the virus, we should be thinking about making it mandatory.”

George Stephanopolos, possibly having read the Constitution, asked Biden, “How could you enforce that?”

Biden admitted that he couldn’t and said, “That’s the problem.”

Yes, Joe. To democrats, the Constitution is ALWAYS a problem, isn’t it?

So Joe goes on to say what his plan would be. He’d go to “every governor and get them all in a room, all 50 of them, as president, and say, ask people to wear the mask.”

50 governors in a room? Really, Biden? What happened to social distancing?

So Biden would strong-arm the governors to push mandatory mask wearing and vaccines. And probably also strong-arm county health departments as well. Whatever it takes.

Stephanopolos asked, “And if they don’t, fine?”

Biden answered, “If they don’t, no, not fine.”

Biden’s not willing to take no for an answer.

He reiterated, “Then I go to every Governor – I go to every Mayor, I go to every Councilman (that’s sexist, Joe!), I go to every local official, say, mandate the mask, man (sexist again) – say, this is what you have to do when you’re out…”

Masks and vaccines. Looks like if Biden wins, he’ll do everything he can to make sure you comply to the will of Biden. You might even have to eat broccoli every Tuesday.

Will we be able to sue the government for loss of work or permanent damage from the vaccine when we have side effects like the ones listed on the CDC website including vomiting, muscle aches, sore throat, cough, wheezing, headaches, swelling, dizziness, ringing in the ears, fever, tiredness, fainting. 

And then there’s the possibility of serious injury or death [1]. Can we sue over that?

Masks and vaccines…whatever the democrats want you to have to do, they’ll figure out a way to make you do it. 

Just like they mandated that you buy health insurance. 

Who cares if the Constitution doesn’t actually allow it?

That’s not of any concern to democrats.