- Steve Gruber - https://www.stevegruber.com -

CDC Defied the President and Moved Forward with Critical Race Theory Indoctrination

The deep state is in every department of government and the CDC is no exception. From the beginning of Trump’s presidency, the deep state has been sabotaging the president, whistleblowing on bogus claims and ignoring his orders.

President Trump had written a cease and desist executive order to abolish social justice indoctrination in the federal government but the CDC paid no attention and moved forward on it anyway.

President Trump had written a cease and desist executive order to abolish social justice indoctrination in the federal government but the CDC paid no attention and moved forward on it anyway. Obviously, Trump had decided that people don’t need to be lectured about how racist they are and how to live their lives according to democratic morality – of which they have none.

Documents were leaked to Journalist Christoper Rufo [1] about CDC’s plan to “examine the mechanisms of systemic racism” and address “white supremacist ideology.”

The CDC decided to ignore Trump’s order [2] that cut off the taxpayer-funded racial bias indoctrination the democratic party is pushing. The Trump administration says that it “seeks to undercut our core values as Americans and drive division within our workforce.”

The 13-week CDC series called “Naming, Measuring and Addressing the Impacts of Racism on the Heath and Well-Being of the Nation and the World” was sure to be a whizbang of a brainwashing session with federal employees leaving their classrooms robotically chanting, “I am racist, I am racist…”

The sessions included such fun things as telling everyone that racism is a public health crisis and that systemic racism leads to police killings of unarmed black and brown people. The CDC, of course, decided to throw in something that resembled health information, and reminded everyone that this racism leads to the “disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on communities of color.”

In the sessions, the CDC tells employes that they must “target” and destroy the values of “focus on the individual” and the myth of American exceptionalism.

Yes, you MUST be part of the democratic Borg collective (Stark Trek reference) and always remember that America is not exceptional, special or great.

How do all of these newly indoctrinated CDC employees achieve the goals of this class? Why they become activists, of course. The CDC is recruiting more protesters and rioters for the DNC at taxpayer expense.

Unfortunately for these CDC dictators, the Trump administration got wind of their rogue tyranny and shut it down [3]. The classes were cancelled immediately.

That’s not good enough though. People need to be F-I-R-E-D.